Learning Objectives

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Learning objectives or competencies describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of the course.

Astronomy of Native America Course Learning Outcomes

The course learning objectives, or course/program competencies, describe outcomes that are measurable


The verbs used in the course learning objectives describe actions that are measurable:

  • Identify (CLO 1, 4, 5, 12, 13)
  • Define (CLO 2)
  • Exemplify (CLO 2)
  • Describe (CLO 3, 14)
  • Predict (CLO 5, 7)
  • Find (CLO 6)
  • Create (CLO 8)
  • Analyze (CLO 8)
  • Distinguish (CLO 9)
  • Calculate (CLO 10)
  • Decipher (CLO 12)
  • Collect (CLO 13)

CLO = course learning outcome

Suggestions for Improvement

Integrating knowledge as described in CLO 14 may be difficult to measure. Perhaps "demonstrate the connection of this evolution to the larger picture of European colonization"?

The module/unit-level learning objectives or competencies describe outcomes that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives or competencies


The module learning objectives use verbs that describe measurable actions:

  • reference (MLO Archaeoastronomy 4)
  • identify (MLO Sky 2, MLO Sun 2, MLO Stars 1, MLO Archaeoastronomy 1)
  • relate (MLO Sky 3, MLO Moon 4, MLO Calendars 1, MLO Planets 3)
  • use (MLO Sky 4, MLO Sun 3, MLO Moon 2, MLO Calendars 4)
  • distinguish (MLO Sun 1, MLO Sky 2, MLO Planets 2, MLO Library 3)
  • describe (MLO Sun 4, MLO Calendars 2, MLO Archaeoastronomy 2)
  • recognize (MLO Moon 1)
  • find (MLO Moon 3, MLO Stars 2, MLO Calendars 3, MLO Planets 1)
  • differentiate (MLO Moon 4, MLO Planets 3)
  • relay (MLO Stars 3)
  • delineate (MLO Stars 4)
  • explain (MLO Calendars 1, MLO Culture 1MLO Archaeoastronomy 3)
  • track (MLO Planets 4)
  • obtain (MLO Library 1)
  • search (MLO Library 2)
  • document (MLO Library 4)
  • characterize (MLO Culture 2, MLO Culture 4)
  • integrate (MLO Culture 3)
  • decipher (MLO Archaeoastronomy 4)

Suggestions for Improvement

  • The module learning objectives could indicate the course learning objectives under which they fall next to them when the module learning objectives are stated in the module introduction pages.
  • The module learning outcome #3 in Culture might be more measurable as a "demonstrate the connections between" rather than "integrate".

Learning objectives or competencies are stated clearly, are written from the learner’s perspective, and are prominently located in the course


Course learning objectives have their own section in the What You Will Learn page of the Syllabus. Each module introduction page states the module learning objectives. Course learning objectives also appear at the end of most assignment descriptions. Most learning objectives use plain language that is readily grasped by learners.

Suggestions for Improvement

Some learning outcomes use jargon that learners may balk at are:

  • "asterisms" (CLO 6 & MLO Stars 1)
  • "equatorial coordinate" (CLO 6, CLO 7, & MLO Calendars 4)
  • "lunisolar" (CLO 9)
  • "cardinal directions" (MLO Sky 3)
  • "altitude" and "azimuth" (MLO Sun 2)
  • "Gregorian" (MLO Calendars 2)
  • "inferior and superior planets" (MLO Planets 2)
  • "ecliptic" (MLO Planets 3)
  • "sidereal and synodic periods" (MLO Planets 4)
  • "petroglyphs" (MLO Archaeoastronomy 4)

You may consider alternative phrasings such as:

  • groups of stars
  • equator-based coordinates
  • Sun- and Moon-based
  • north, south, east, and west
  • angle above the horizon and angle around the horizon
  • modern standard
  • planets nearer to and farther from the Sun
  • Sun's apparent yearly path through the stars
  • time of star-based and brightness-based cycles
  • rock carving

The relationship between learning objectives or competencies and learning activities is clearly stated


Course learning objectives appear at the end of most assignment descriptions, identified through terse-language versions and their numbers. Module introduction pages state the learning objectives of the module and describe the activities of the module.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • You might consider a coding system (color/pattern) for the When We Will Learn Page to visualize for the learners which activities support which learning objectives
  • You might finish integrating the Canvas Outcomes with individual assignment rubrics and quiz questions.
  • Learners will find it helpful if all assignments consistently identify the learning objectives that the assignment supports.

The learning objectives or competencies are suited to the level of the course


The 14 course learning outcomes contain 19 verbs that are distributed in the learning taxonomy as follows:

  1. Remember (10 CLOs)
  2. Understand (4 CLOs)
  3. Apply (0 CLOs)
  4. Analyze (3 CLOs)
  5. Evaluate (0 CLOs)
  6. Create (2 CLOs)

The average course learning outcome taxonomical level is 2.2±1.7, appropriate for an introductory level course.

So, similarly, the 36 module learning outcomes contain 43 verbs that are distributed as follows:

  1. Remember (18 MLOs)
  2. Understand (9 MLOs)
  3. Apply (6 MLOs)
  4. Analyze (8 MLOs)
  5. Evaluate (0 MLOs)
  6. Create (2 MLOs)

The average module learning outcome taxonomical level is 2.3±1.4, appropriate for an introductory level course.

Suggestions for Improvement

You might investigate the mismatch between the distribution of the course learning objectives and the module learning objectives, specifically why the Apply level is missing from the course learning objectives. This may fall out naturally in a careful checking of the alignment between module and course learning objectives.

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