Course Technology
Course technologies support learners’ achievement of course objectives or competencies.
The tools used in the course support the learning objectives or competencies
- The Discuss section of the What We Will Do To Learn pages describes how and why Canvas Discussions support the course learning.
- The Organize Knowledge section of the What We Will Do To Learn pages describes how and why Canvas Pages support the course learning.
- The Research and Present section of the What We Will Do To Learn pages touches on how Kaltura support the course learning.
- The Take Quizzes, Exams, and Surveys section of the What We Will Do To Learn pages touches on how and why Canvas Quizzes support the course learning.
- The Take Quizzes, Exams, and Surveys section of the What We Will Do To Learn pages touches on how and why Canvas Quizzes support the course learning.
Suggestions for Improvement
- The description of how and why each technology supports course learning objectives could cite specific learning objectives.
- Each description of technology tools could name the tool specifically (Canvas pages, Canvas discussions, etc.)
- The Observe section of the What We Will Do To Learn page could explain why Stellarium supports course learning objectives
- The Organize Knowledge section of the What We Will Do To Learn page could explain why Quizlet supports course learning objectives
- The Research and Present section of the What We Will Do To Learn page could explain why PowerPoint supports course learning objectives
Course tools promote learner engagement and active learning
- Students participate in online asynchronous discussions both in small groups and as a class using Canvas Discussions
- Students participate in a multi-week project as a group using Canvas Groups and Pages asynchronously as well as Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft OneDrive in a potentially synchronous way
- Students take reading and learning checks on Canvas Quizzes that give immediate feedback
- Students share a digital flash card set constructed as a class on Quizlet
Suggestions for Improvement
Perhaps a synchronous online activity could be developed using Stellarium
A variety of technology is used in the course
The Check Your Technology assignment describes use of video recording software (Kaltura), presentation slide software (PowerPoint), and astronomy simulation software (Stellarium). The Join A Star Group assignment indicates the student use of Canvas (HTML) pages in assignments and includes an exercise for embedding an image from a web site.
Suggestions for Improvement
Creating a single page where all technology skills are listed and perhaps coded to be indicated on assignmnets might help learners better gauge their technology skill development.
The course provides learners with information on protecting their data and privacy
The Engage (CBL) section of the What You Will Do To Learn describes how students will have to disclose their participation in the course to a community partner, and the Acknolwedge Your Disclosure to Community Partner assignment formalizes this.
Suggestion for Improvement
Links to enhancing student privacy, including particular technologies, may fit well into a technology skills page.