Instructional Materials

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Instructional materials enable learners to achieve stated learning objectives or competencies.

The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated learning objectives or competencies


Instructional materials used include: sections from an OER textbook, LMS-internal web pages and external web pages including embedded images, PDF files from academic articles or book excerpts, instructor introduction videos, external videos for discussion.

Each instructional material appears to align with the course or module learning objectives.

Suggestions for Improvement

Perhaps a summary of which learning objectives are supported by which readings in the module overview page would increase student ability to connect the reading with the learning objectives

The relationship between the use of instructional materials in the course and completing learning activities is clearly explained


  • The order of the instructional materials in the module guides the students through the correct order of reading.
  • The list of the module's reading in the module overview page suggests a connection to the learning objectives of the module.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • The building page instructions often contain text to read in between the activities direction in them. Perhaps placing them directly at the module level at the end of the readings would better direct students too them. You could include a warning at the top of the page explaining that there will be reading to do along with the page building activity.
  • Clarifying the purpose of the in-person activities (class participation) together with identifying learning objectives supported through attending class would improve student awareness of the significance of the in-person portion of the course.
  • Students may appreciate an explanation of how Quizlet will be used to support in-class and out-of-class learning via the learning objectives
  • Guidelines for acceptable sources in the archaeoastronomy project would improve student use of scholarly sources for the archaeoastronomy presentations

The course models the academic integrity expected of learners by providing both source references and permissions for use of instructional materials

The instructional materials represent up-to-date theory and practice in the discipline

A variety of instructional materials is used in the course

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