Communicating what I’ve learned and understanding what others have learned is crucial to me. Beyond the usual methods of in-person and electronic communication, I’ve done this through writing papers, documenting code, creating presentations, and making figures.
My Google scholar profile has a fairly good list of my scientific publications and links to the documents as well as some conference presentations. Other lists are at ORCID and Web of Science. The longest, most revised paper I’ve written to date (besides my my PhD thesis) is this one .
I was involved with documenting the key features of the QMCPACK code in a more comprehensive way than has been done before.
You can see an attempt to give as non-technical an introduction to my recent work in this poster. PDFs as well as links to the online abstracts of many posters and spoken presentation slides I’ve given are available at the bottom of my Google sites CV.
In the course of presenting my work, figures are always a must. It was fun to see one of my figures used in the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s announcement of the 2014 computing time awards. Many figures I’ve made are here on my professional wiki hosted at Argonne and here on my professional wiki hosted on this site.